Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Desi Stare

During my graduate student days, Desis in the US -- and Desi students in particular -- were known for their Apologetic Walk (the copyright for this observation belongs to Ramesh Mahadevan).

Evidently, things have changed a lot since then [link via DesiPundit]:

Why is it that when Indian families walk by each other in a non-desi setting, it's like watching two rival gangs meet. It's not a hey-fellow-desi-it's-so-glad-to see-you stare, but rather a mean stare. It's almost like they're scanning your retinas to detect your caste and saying "Hey, what makes you think you're so good?" It's not a normal stare, it's The Desi Stare. While walking by other families the responsibility of each family member is to check out their counterpart in the rival Klan. It's like watching the Pandavas and Kauravas gathering in front of a Gap and Aunt Annie's Pretzels. Don't get me wrong, I like Indian people a lot. I like them so much that I am one. But frankly sometimes they weird the tatti out of me.

* * *

Update: After the Desi Stare, how about the Desi Elevator Talk (Not!), and the Desi Nod?


  1. hey thanks for the shout-out Abi!

  2. Shakes: Thank *you* for that interesting post!

  3. Lol.... u are right dude.... funny as hell now that i think of it.

    I jsut started out writing a BLOG called FOB, check it out when u get a chance..


  4. Thanks, FOB, for dropping by. I wish you and your blog all the best.


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