Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hierarchy and a bottle of feni

This [the MEI stare/sneer] is the perfect combination of disinterest mixed with just the right level of contempt so as not to be insulting. It is for those pesky juniors who think that MEI is just a college and that everyone here is their friend. Not true. In MEI even acquaintanceship has to be earned ...

If 'the MEI Stare/Sneer' is what is reserved for 'pesky' juniors, don't you wnat to know what awaits the others in MEI -- My Esteemed Institute? Also, I find it impossible to believe that a bottle of feni can bring so much of clarity to one's thoughts.


  1. Thank you for linking to me and also for taking the post in the right 'spirit'. (pun totally intended!)

  2. Samudrika: Sorry for the delay in my response. I should thank you for that entertaining post.


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