Tuesday, February 07, 2006

On doing a DesiPundit to the DesiPundits

Well, I am not really into this sort of stuff, and I fully realize that the power and reach of this blog are pathetic compared to those of the mighty DesiPundits. I am doing this only because my inner voice (;-) tells me that they are a just a little too timid when it comes to linking to their own posts.

So, here I go, with the links:

First, to Neha's post on NRI's arguments being rejected out of hand (undervalued, scorned, treated unfairly, disrespected, and worse) simply because they come from NRIs.

Second, to Patrix's post with a first hand account of the devastation in Louisiana ["Nature truly brings out the meaning of ‘shock and awe’"] after Katrina.


  1. The link to my blog doesn't work. _Poke_

  2. Hmmm, sorry about that, Neha. It's fixed now.

  3. Hey thanks, Abi.

    >they are a just a little too timid when it comes to linking to their own posts, conflict of interest and all that...we already get lot of flak for other inane stuff.


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