Monday, November 07, 2005

Some links

Since we talked recently about university endowments, and gifts from alumni and philanthropists, let's start with the news that Tufts University received a 100 million dollar donation from Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay. But the 'gift' comes with some interesting conditions. Microfinance, eBay and Tufts: it's a pretty heady combination!

Over at Pharyngula, there is a detailed post about vagina in mammals, and how the process of evolution led to it. Pretty interesting stuff.

Slashdot has a discussion on a German IT company (called Nutzwerk Ltd.) has made "cheerfulness a contractual obligation, advising those who don't measure up to the prescribed level of jollity in the morning to stay at home until they cheer up".


  1. Microfinance, eBay, Tufts, and Drezner!

  2. Gotcha!

    Tbanks, Anand! In fact, I planned to include the Drezner stuff in this very post, but when it became too long, I just took the longest part and made it a separate post.


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