Thursday, November 24, 2005

Slogan for DesiPundit

I know, I know, the good folks at DesiPundit did not ask for a slogan for their website. Yet, I couldn't resist:

Tu likh, We link.

I am also reminded -- I wonder why? -- of this New Yorker cartoon showing a big fish and a small fish side by side. The big fish tells the small one, "Son, some people will love you, and some will hate you. It has always been so with anchovies."


  1. I love anchovies.

  2. I hate them, passionately!

    The Big Fish is always right...

  3. that was really nice..........even though it doesn't qualify for the contest

  4. Tsk, tsk, I was already making plans about which book to buy from Amazon. Well, thanks, anyway. For dropping by and leaving a nice comment!

    Thanks Kaps!


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