Friday, November 18, 2005

Google, Apple and Digg

Via digg: Here is some great stuff for Google fans: some 150+ logos used by Google over the years. All in one place!

Via digg (again!): the famous 1981 print ad from Apple that said "Welcome IBM, Seriously" in bold headlines.

... and, via digg (that's three times in a row!): Time has a top 25 list of this year's inventions.

I just checked out digg; it is also fantastic.


  1. Couldn't find the logo Google used (on on August 15th. So there are perhaps many more!

  2. The Google logo archive is priceless. Thanks.

  3. Google itself probably has some page that archives all its logos. Aha, here it is! And, while at the same page, do check out the stuff contributed by the users, too!


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