Sunday, July 03, 2005

Mela of melas

Amit Varma has put together an excellent write up on this week's Bharateeya Blog Mela. The next mela will be hosted by Nilu.

If I were to pick just one post from this week's mela, it would be Hemangini's very powerful post; in fact, Amit's write up, rightly, starts with this post. If you haven't read her post, do it now! And, all power to Hemanginis of this world.

The next edition of Tangled Bank is also up, hosted by David Winter of Science & Sensibility. I recommend the post by Suresh (who hosted the previous edition of TB) on how PPT doesn't bore people, [but] people bore people, and another by Jeff on the Purpose of Science.


  1. Thank you, Abi, for posting the link to my post about the purpose of science. Now that a number of people have read it, I feel that I need to try to write a better version. That could quickly get out of hand!
    By the way, I am not the only Shaumeyer world-wide, but the untested theory in my case is that any other Shaumeyer must be, at worst, a second cousin.

  2. Thanks, Amit, Jeff, for your comments.

    And, Amit, I should thank you for putting together the Mela, and for including one of my posts in it!


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